Outreach Librarian cover letter

Business Information Specialist cover letter


Vote for Open Cover Letters workshop at ALA Annual!

I, along with Emily Thompson, Learning Technologies Librarian @ SUNY Oswego have applied for an ALA Conversation Starter, “OpenCoverLetters LIVE!: Writing a cover letter that will get you noticed.”


They say that a good cover letter can be the difference between a hiring manager reading your resume or throwing it into the “no” pile. In this workshop panelists who were hired within six months of graduation after extensive national job hunts will share how they learned to write cover letters that lead to interviews. Participants should bring a copy of a job posting and a draft of their cover letter. After a brief introduction, they will break into groups and critique each others’ letters with the goal of writing cover letters that will help their application rise to the top.

OpenCoverLetters.com posts real cover letters from hired librarians and archivists. We hope that by doing a live session, we can help job seekers improve their applying skills.

Please go to http://connect.ala.org/ala12csvoting to view our proposal and others, and consider voting for the Open Cover Letters workshop!

Reference Librarian cover letter

Archival Processing Assistant cover letter

Technical Services Librarian cover letter